Senin, 25 Juli 2016

PostHeaderIcon love Among Silhouette Twilight

Jane, where are you? I miss you when years and now on television you show up as an activist.

all that I went through was not easy. I survived because of love. you never know what I'm going through. hollow heart, restless soul, wants to miss it until you jane.

if time could go back in the past. maybe me and you will hold together, but this love jane, love for God is great..I understand what you want to find, I never off. though I still love you, let recesses of the heart is missing in the evening twilight. a heart that once filled the warm love you. and now you choose to love your God.

I never blame anyone, it's just what I love like you could reach. What you can bring me to love the essentials. I also wanted to feel the love that you taste. but why me and you getting away.

I miss jane. take me in sincere love without lines.

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